Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Last Night was crazy! I got home and immediatly went to the store. I did a LOT of shopping and ended up spending about 2 hours in the store. By the time I unpacked grocheries and then fixed and ate dinner it was about 9:30pm and I was tired! Several excuses for not working out drifted through my head, but, in truth, that visual of a gant chart with my schedule already behind because I've missed one of my tasks got me off the couch. This is a project, and on a project EVERY task is critical for a sucessful completion of that project. So, I did the workout. It actually was really good, though I could raise the weights on both leg excercises. The stretching felt GREAT and I'm thinking I might even lengthen the time for that as I LOVE to stretch and it might be nice to challenge myself in that area a little more. After my workout, I colored my hair, so that took up the remainder of my evening. I still plan on going through ALL the project planning steps and getting a complete set of documents in hand. Not only because I think it sets things even further in concrete, but because it's fun.

So, today's plan is this. 2.5 miles of running and some yoga/stretching. I actually forgot my lunch at HOME today (duh) so I'll have to drop by the store to pick up something but I WILL keep in clean. I will!

Maybe this really IS the 'last time'. Funny thing. Last night as we were laying in bed my fiance' asked me. "So, how's the diet going?". I kind of laid there puzzled and then said "fiiiiine..?" He said, "Well, I just wondered. I wanted to make sure you haven't given up!". I had to laugh at that. Me!? Give UP!? now THAT'S not happening!

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