Sunday, June 6, 2004

I ran four miles! That’s right, me, big ol’ can’t run a mile me, ran four miles! I can hardly believe it myself. A really big step. After this I feel like I can do anything. For some reason a marathon doesn’t seem nearly as daunting as it once did. Warped I know, considering that I only ran less then 1/6th of a marathon, but today helped me to realize that I can gradually increase my mileage and continue to improve my endurance. And that I’m not as incapable of being athletic as I’ve always thought I was.

On the nutrition front. I know I said I would give it 4 weeks, but high carb just ISN’T doing it for me! I’m hungry ALL the time and I’m constantly craving stuff. BAD stuff. So I’m going to go back to BFL eating for right now, but with a high carb snack after my run (on the days I run). We’ll see how that goes. My fiance’ is planning to clean up his diet as well, and that should help me out. It’s always hard to keep on the straight and narrow when the person across from you is eating whatever they want. Not that anyone makes food choices and puts them in my mouth but me. Still, it’s easier. SO, tomorrow the meal plan is this:

7:00am 2 eggs and an English muffin w/butter

10:00am Hard boiled Egg and ½ an apple

1:00pm Chicken breast, veggies, and pasta

4:00 pm yogurt w/protein powder

7:00 pm Burger and baked potato w/butter and veggies

10:00 pm peanut butter shake

Tomorrow I start weights again. I will! I will!

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