Thursday, July 7, 2005

I think I might be noticing some changes already. This morning, it was as difficult as ever to get up and around. But, once I got around, I actually woke up and I didn't feel sluggish and groggy, even without applying my usual morning stimulant of Diet Pepsi. This is a huge plus for me and if it remains and wasn't just some one day fluke I'll certainly have to add it to my list of positive things about this lifestyle.

I've desided to bring back "The Good, The Bad and The Better" part of my journal. It adds a little structure that I enjoy.

Good -
I ate on plan. I did not give into temptation, although I didn't really feel any temptation. It was really hot when I got home so I desided to put off my workout. Normally this is a recipie for disaster for me, but last night I set the goal firmly in my mind and as soon as the tempature got to a more tollerable level I jumped on the treadmill and away I went! One thing about running on the treadmill - it reminds me of how sore my chest is! heh. I drank a ton of water yesterday and I think that has a lot to do with the 2.5 lb drop in 24 hours. that's right... 2.5lbs! I'm down to 206.5 today and number I was THRILLED to see when I stepped on the scale this morning, and believe me, I never thought I would be thrilled to see THAT number. But I guess I've got my 'good attitude' going because I'm seeing everything as a positive right now. I took all my vitamins yesterday. I planned my meals and packed my lunches for today so that I was all set for another 'on plan' day. That's an exciting feeling.

Bad -
There was nothing about the day that I would classify as "Bad" I like days like that.

Better -
I would like to cut down on the diet pepsi I'm drinking. I keep hearing bad things about cafien and artificial sweeteners and how they effect cravins. Plus - I hate being adicted to the stupid stuff. Yesterday I had four 20 oz bottles during the day as I had planned, but then went home and two that I hadn't planned. Overall it's still less then I was drinking before, but I would like to to better and stick to the four bottles today.

Today's Goals -
Drink no more the the four 20 oz bottle of soda that I have here at work.
Drink 64 oz of water or more
Eat on Plan:

B - Lemon Cottage Cheese Pancakes (Done)
B2 - FF Yogurt Mixed with Protien Powder (Done)
L1 - Spicy Orange Beef (Last Night's leftovers - and MAN was it fantastic) with rice and a salad
L2 - Homemade Breakfast Bar and String Cheese
D1 - Meal Replacement Shake
D2 - BBQ Chicken/Broccoli

Do a 20 minute HIIT Run

The reason I'm doing my run today is that my Mom is flying in from out of state tonight. I know I'm not going to want to take an hour out of our time to do a good leg workout so I'm going to do cardio instead. Then tomorrow, when I have the day off and a lot more time, I'll do legs.

This weekend is going to be a challenge. Family is over, and I have my Grandfather's 80th birthday party on Sunday. Luckily - thanks to the joy of BFL I have a free day for Sunday. Getting my workouts and meals in the other two days will be the real challenge but I'm committing right now to making it happen.

No Excuses


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