Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I got home last night and realized that I HAD to work on the house. Things had really slid over the lazy weekend. So, my fiancĂ© and I toddled over to Laundromat and washed clothes in 95+ degree weather! Sheesh, that was my sauna treatment for the week. We finally finished after 9:00pm. All I had managed to eat was a quick bocca burger before we left. So, we went home and did up the dishes, and straightened up a bit. I was finally feeling HUMAN, and the temperature had dropped to reasonable levels. I knew I needed to eat, but I didn’t want anything heavy because I still had to workout, so I sliced up an apple and rolled it in protein powder. I ate a few pieces right away, and then nibbled on the rest while I was working out. It worked out rather well, rather like a homemade power drink. By this time it was after 10:00pm. Being diligent I drug out my weights and started my lower body workout. My first set of squats almost had me screaming. Either I was still sore from last week’s lower body workout, or I had worked harder on my bike ride then I thought... or both! I wasn’t sure I would be able to do my workout it hurt so bad. But after a short rest I tried again, and the second set was easier… I guess I just needed to warm up and stretch things out a bit.

I was a little worried about my feet after the Reverse lunges. I was setting the ball of my foot and then pressing down the heal of my foot, and it was stretching the arch of my foot. I hurt after words and with the issues I’ve had with my feet, it was worth stressing about, but I woke up this morning and my feet are GREAT… Whew!

I think I’m going to have to switch to single calf raises. I’m just not feeling these the way I think I should. I remember once at the gym on the standing calf raise machine I wasn’t thinking clearly and I did a set of 12 reps at 130lbs… Of course I couldn’t WALK the next day, but I think that makes it pretty clear that I could stand to raise the weight on my calf raises a bit.

I finished my workout sometime after 11:00pm and I STILL hadn’t had a ‘real’ dinner. I was pretty sure I was low on calories, but not certain and to my horror, when I went to verify fitday.com was down!! So just to be sure I fixed myself a huge bowl of veggies and some chicken and ate up. Needless to say going to bed on that full of a stomach did NOT feel good, but I felt good about getting the calories in non the less.

I was getting a little bummed about being at 192 STILL. I’ve been working on this same two pounds for over four now. I realize this isn’t HORRIBLE, but it makes my goal of 130 seem SO far away. If I think about it long enough I really start to get frustrated and discouraged, so I’ve found more and more I’m having to focus on things outside the scale. Things like how much better my clothes are fitting, how GREAT I feel, physically and mentally, how positive it is to be honoring self promises… and things of that nature. This is such a mental shift for me. I WILL reach my goals. In the meanwhile, I’m doing something good for myself, and that makes it worth it.

So far today things are going well. I woke up feeling gross and bloated, probably from eating so late. My hands had swollen up so much in the night that I ended up having to take off my ring. I was surprised to be as low as 192. I had to be to work for an early meeting and didn't really feel like eating so I chopped up an apple and mixed it with protien powder. It was enough for the moment. I grabbed an energy bar for my meeting because I knew it was going to go through 12:00pm and I figured it was best to be prepared. I've had chicken and greens for lunch so things seem to be going great. Suprising, after having wobbly legs all night last night after my workout, and moaning and groaning each time I had to get up or down out of a chair, I'm not that sore today. Guess I'm getting better at recovery... Looking forward to my HIIT run tonight. Hopefully it's cooler then last night.

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