Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Remember the slogen (I believe created by Weight Watchers) "Nothing taists as good as thin feels."? Well, I've always thought it was a bunch of bunk.. and last night I was sure of it. Aparently I've been WAY under eating... I showed my menus to a group of people on one of the boards I go to and I was nearly beheaded! (Not really...) Everyone jumped in to say "You're not eating enough!". I was pretty much already convinced of it yesterday afternoon, I went home early from work. I just felt so awful. My stomach was upset and I was so tired I felt like a complete ZOMBI. When I got home I just sat on the couch - I knew there was no way I could work out feeling like I did. My fiancé and his son got home and they decided to order pizza. I figured I would have a salad but when that pizza hit the door, I KNEW that wasn't happening! So I made a conscious decision to have pizza. I took two, ate slowly and enjoyed, NO savored every bite. I sat there for about 1/2 an hour and was STILL hungry. So I took one more and ate it. a hour later I was STILL hungry, so I had another! That's right 4 pieces of pizza! When I finished I was finally satisfied not STUFFED, but satisfied. AND I was feeling better! There was NO way that being thin would feel as good as that pizza taisted right then.

I started this journey eating about 1500 calories/day. Then I got down to 1200, then 1000, and lately I found I was down to 700 to 800! Definitely NOT Good. I went to bed last night DETERMINED to ask for help. I know I shouldn't be feeling the way I have been, but I had no idea how to increase my calories and still lose the weight. And even MORE baffling was that when I weighed this morning I had lost 2 lbs since yesterday!?

So, I got to work this morning and opened up my email and not one but TWO people had already emailed me, offering help and even menus. I have to admit that I sat at my desk with tears in my eyes. I had already resolved this morning NOT to quit. I realized that the only way I can fail is to quit and I will NOT fail. But seeing all the love and support that I have been offered here has made that resolution that much easier to take.

Monday I start my new menu. But I'm already trying to add more calories into my day. And I'm feeling better for it.

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