Saturday, May 22, 2021

 I had an interesting experience at dinner tonight.

We had delivery...Chinese food, ice cream and cookies. I had some chicken and rice and then served myself a large bowl of ice cream and cookies.
A couple of things happened that I’m celebrating.First, a couple of bites in, I actually had the though ... “oooo I’m at enough!” I was excited to hear that as I’ve been working on my enough.
But, then I had that follow up of ‘I’m not ready to stop’. What was interesting for me though was that there was no “should” or “have to” in my conversation with myself. Instead there was this question of “ you choose to over eat then?”
The answer ended up being “yes” but the difference in the feeling in eating from a place of “I’m choosing to overeat right now..” and “Fuck it” was incredible.
When eating was a choice not a rebellion, I finished my bowl and was just...done. And these was no beat down no guilt none of those other feelings that could have pushed this from an overeat of a bowl of ice cream and into a longer eating experience. And for that... I’m really proud. And it really speaks to the power of laddering up your thoughts and recognizing a level up...