I started the new year ready to jump into massive action... I had a plan... I had motivation...
Then, I got sick and spent over a week in bed... and somehow the one small thing knocked all the motivation right out of me.
Went on vacation at the end of the month and on the plane back I started writing my massive action plan. I would read books, workout six days a week, make plans every day, do all the things...
and for some reason I got home and just... didn't. We got this huge snowstorm and snowed us in, kept certain things (like my treadmill assembly) to not happen and maybe... I've been depressed.
This weekend I started thinking about my lack of 'action' how I keep going from 'yeah! let's do this' to 'Meh, I don't need to lose weight' over night (literally).
so I started to dig into why I was feeling so defeated before I had even started. I realized I'm still having thoughts like, "Losing weight is hard" "Losing weight is a lot of work" "Losing weight requires restriction"
I wrote: "I don't truely believe that I can lose weight without giving up bread, sugar and alcohol." (completely).
So, when I put those things on a plan, there is still this thought that 'this isn't going to work - so why bother?" in fact "why even bother planning the first place?"
Of course the only way to work through these thoughts is to challenge them.
Losing weight is hard - is this true?
No, I've lost weight effortlessly many times. My brain embraces the process instead of fighting against it. I just go through my day, make good choices without any drama and the weight comes off. it's my brain that's making weight loss hard NOT what I'm putting in my mouth.
Losing weight is work - is this true?
see above...
Losing weight requires restriction - is this true?
again, see above...
I can't lose weight without cutting out bread, sugar, and alcohol - is this true?
this one starts to get a little... hard for me. I think this is something I need to face head on and just prove to myself is wrong. it'll mean committing to an experiment. committing to doing something and seeing my weight as data instead of the main goal. which seems to rub against the idea of 'massive action' in my head.... but then. I didn't say massive results... I said massive action! duh!!!
OMG - duh!
the goal is to take action and analyze the results. doing what I said I would do is success. That means if I said I was going to eat toast for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch and cookies for dinner followed by a beer.. .and I do those things, then I've had a successful day!
I knew this, I know this, but somehow I forgot it :D.
anyway - got up this morning and put on workout pants. Then went through my morning routine of taking my vitamines, and feeding the dogs. THEN went... I will do some kind of movement. the treadmill is broken, I can't get to my weights, the bike is an option but... hey! I asked for this Oculus for Christmas/Birthday so I could exercise with it... and that's what I did! and it was super fun! Then I made a plan, had breakfast and started drinking water.. .and I'm already on my way to a super successful day!