Thursday, November 12, 2009

Vineman 70.3

I'm going to do Vineman next year - I'm gunna I'm gunna! haven't bought my entry yet -- but it's on the list, in the budget.

I've set myself some big big goals to go with it - as in - I WILL be at my weight loss goal. And the incentive. I've I'm not at or below my goal - I'll bow out of the race.

As for training? well it's going ok. I'm still finding the heart rate training to be incredibly SLOW, but, it's not boring! :)

I'm going to try to post here more often. I get caught up in things and don't always get my thoughts put down. But I know how good it is for me to be able to refer back - so this journal is important.

upcoming races in my world?

Skirt Chaser 5K - doing this with hubby, should be really fun!

Double Lake Merced - a 9 mile run I'm doing with Hubby and my Step Son - this will be my new 'offical logest race'

Modest Turkey Trot - a 5K with hubby on thanksgiving day

are what's in store for this month.  A lot of easy fun runs - just as it should be in the winder months!

alright then - back to work! :)


  1. YES!!! and at $250 that's a pretty expensive incentive to bow out of - and you can't - I want to see you at the race start with me.

  2. awesome goal! and yes, as LG said, that's a great incentive! Good luck with your training, looking forward to watching your journey!

  3. Wow, that's really harsh (bowing out if you don't reach your goal). You know better than anyone though, what kind of incentive you need. ;)

  4. Do the Barb Race? I'll be there that weekend LOL

  5. Very cool - I've heard realy good things about Vineman.

    As for the Turkey Trot - woot! That's where it's at!
