Friday, September 8, 2017

Pain pain go away!

After a great day yesterday I woke up this morning and was bummed to discover I could only hobble across the room.  Seems my foot pain/planter fasciitis in my left foot is back. I've gone over a month without pain was really starting to think I had beat this thing! But no.  I don't know if it was pushing it when running on the treadmill yesterday, or just wearing the wrong shoes to chorus last night but it's back.  A part of me wants to throw a tantrum or pout or yell and shake my fists, but none of those will help.

So, it's back to stretching, and icing, Advil, wrapping and babying my foot until it can get stronger... I'm not sure what that means for my workouts just yet.  I have a bike and a run on my calendar for tomorrow.  Perhaps I'll go easy today and see how I feel in the morning.  Wrapping my foot it tape is always an option and one that I used to use all the time back when I was recovering from the PF pain in 2003 (and still running).

Weight is now decidedly in the 260's (269.5) and that has me super happy.  I feel like things are surely moving in the right direction now.  We've got a rum festival to go to tonight.   I'm planning on drinking - but I'm going to avoid all the sugary mixed drinks and stick to the straight rum. AND I'm going to remember to eat before I go so that 1) I don't get knocked on my butt by the booze and 2) so I don't eat crap food while I'm there.

workout today is done

  • Barbell Deadlift
    • 80 lb x 5 reps
    • 95 lb x 5 reps
    • 115 lb x 3 reps
    • 125 lb x 5 reps
    • 145 lb x 5 reps
    • 155 lb x 9 reps
  • Pendlay Row
    • 75 lb x 10 reps
    • 75 lb x 10 reps
    • 75 lb x 10 reps
  • Lat Pulldown
    • 100 lb x 10 reps
    • 100 lb x 10 reps
    • 100 lb x 10 reps
  • Romanian Deadlift
    • 95 lb x 10 reps
    • 95 lb x 10 reps
    • 95 lb x 10 reps
  • Swimming
    • 00:01:14 | 50 yd | 115 BPM | freestyle  (Warm up)
    • 00:04:40 | 200 yd | 143 BPM | freestyle (Workout)
    • 00:02:48 | 100 yd | 135 BPM | freestyle (Cool Down)

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