Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I know what you're thinking! Yeah, I hear ya... "She's fallen off the wagon again..." "She's probably 10 lbs heavier by now.." BUT, guess what! I've actually been doing well. I've just been busy as hell! heheheh.

Weight today 186.5 (BooYA!) I even did a BFL style leg workout last night! Yeah Yeah Yeah! I haven't been 100% but I've been 95% at least and getting a lot of 'incedental' excercise. Hiking, walking, housework, that sort of stuff. It's all good! This week I'm going to try to focus on a structured workout routine and get back into the habit of lifting weights. I'm seeing some small changes here, starting to get excited, and I'll do my best to keep you informed!

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