Thursday, August 24, 2023

 zomg, ZOMG, ZOMG!!!

So, one of the things I've been working on is stopping at enough. Like others I've struggled with my enough signals and I realize that (for me...) most of the time it is because I eat too fast... and/or eat distracted and just mindlessly shovel food in my mouth until I hit bottom.
I've been working on ways to make mindful eating easier. and I found something that (so far) is working. it's an app called Slow Eats (I have an iphone and it cost less than $2) (So far I have also tested FINT --- was ok but didn't love it, Eat Slower -- didn't like it at all, In the Moment: was good for pausing before eating)
What you do is you set how long you want to go between bites and it will 'sound' or vibrate at that interval. This morning, since I'm at my desk eating while I work I set it to sound - no one would hear it but me. I set it to 30 seconds (will probably increase gradually).
it goes "Plonk" I take a bite and set my fork down.. then do other things for a bit (start reading an email etc). It goes "Plonk" I take another bite and do other things for a bit.. It goes "Plonk" repeat. Until it went "Plonk" and I didn't pick up my fork. it went "Plonk" again and I didn't pick up my fork.. after about the fourth time I realized... "Um... that must mean I've had enough!?"
Dude there is a LOT of food left behind! 😃
I can't wait to continue to experiment with this!

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