Friday, September 19, 2003

I called and talked to my Dad for the first time since I started this journey. I guess for most folks that doesn't seem like a big deal, but you see... my Dad's a personal trainer. In hollywood of all places. He has been since I was 13. Talk about an image to live up too! I didn't live with him, but I've always wondered how different I would be if I had. He's now 55 years old, 6'2", 225lbs and still training. I've never talked to him much about my weight issues or anything like that, but he's been on my mind lately, and I called him and 'confessed'. *grin* He was SO excited. And then, I think, surprised by the amount of knowledge I already have. He started giving me advice right away... including "Read Protien Power Don't study it, just read it, Don't do that Adkins Crap"... I told him my current plan and he was actually pretty happy with it. Not that I was calling to be critiqued, but just to get his support. Just another person I can count on to be 100% in my corner. He had all kinds of other great advice like "Don't worry about the number on the scale. You just have to get up in the morning and be happy with the body you see in the mirror." "You'll never be a stick figure, and you shouldn't want to be, be glad you have curves, and make the best of them. Look at Madona, no matter how much she trains she'll never have a butt, you've already got one, all you have to do is tone it down a bit" "You look just like your grandma Mueller, She was a beutiful woman, and you are a beautiful woman, she had curves, you have curves" lol Arn't Dads great? I've thought about sending him the link to the blog and such, but I'm not sure I'm ready to be THAT exposed.

Anyway, just another step toward surrounding myself with people who believe in me. :)

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