Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Ahhh the fourth of July weekend. What did _I_ do? I sat inside with the computer and ate. Lovely isn't it? I didn't feel good all weekend, TToTM. Then we got hit with a major computer problem that made us think for at least 12 hours that we had lost all our data, including four years of pictures. In reality, I really don't think I ate a 'lot'. But I ate a lot of the wrong things.

So... Last night I took the time to plan and make my meals for the day. I packed a bag with some books, pens and a notepad so that I can journal during my hour long commute and I put my 'game face' on. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I hate hating myself. It's time to walk with my head up and shoulders back. It's time to take care of me.

I've got a long way to go. 80 lbs as of today, but every journey starts with a step. It's just up to me to take them.

So, the steps I'm taking today are this:

Breakfast - I started my day with a guava and coconut protien shake. It wasn't too bad. I should have put a little splenda in it is all. I'm feeling pretty good after eating it. I'm full - that's for sure.

2nd Breakfast - Banana dipped in chocolate protine powder

Lunch - Leftover hamburger patty from dinner & Salad

Afternoon Snack - Meal Replacement Shake

Dinner - TBD I brought cookbooks with me to work so I can pick something out either at lunch or on my way home.

Dessert - SAA

For excercise: I am GOING to go home and hit the weights. Yesterday I went out and looked at my weight bench - it's covered in cobwebs! This completely unacceptable. So, tonight it's an upper body workout.

Chest: Barbell Bench Press/Dumbell Flye
Back: Lat Pulldowns/Cable Rows
Shoulders: Doumbell Press/Upright Cable Rows
Biceops: Concentration Curls/Barbell Curls
Triceps: Triceps Pushdowns/Cable Extensions

Then - 10 'girl' pushups

Other then that. I plan to drink some water to get the fluids back in balance (my hands are SO swollen) and just do everything I can to keep my head in the game.

One little step at a time.

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