Wednesday, April 30, 2008

BDS - Motivation "Reasons I Want to Lose Weight"

BDS isn't the only diet that's had me do this. I do think it's a good idea. The trouble is remembering to go back to this list and review to keep these "Reasons I Want to Lose Weight" in front of me

I'll look better and more attractive
I'll have more confidence
I'll be able to wear a smaller size
I'll fit into more fashionable clothing
I'll be able to buy fancy new underwear
I'll feel happier when I look in the mirror
I'll enjoy trying on clothes
I'll better in a bathing suit
I won't feel so self-conscious
I'll get more compliments
My blood pressure will go down
I'll be at less risk to develop type 2 diabetes
I'll feel better physically
I'll have more stamina
I'll have more energy
I'll make a better impression on people
I'll be less inhibited about my body
I'll enjoy physical intimacy more
I'll like myself better
I'll feel as if I've accomplished something important
I'll be less self-critical
I'll feel in control
I'll be an inspiration to others
I won't look like my mother and my grandmother as I age
"N" won't think we don't 'fit' together
Dad will be proud
I'll be more flexible without the fat in the way
I'll show my daughter that she's capable of doing this too
I'll feel sexy again!
I'll be able to dance with the burlesque shows.

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