Monday, February 26, 2018

Another Week... another 0 lbs lost

My True weight is 279.2 - a weekly change of +0.1lb
Body Fat Average for the week is 146.96 - a weekly change of -0.36
I didn't track my blood pressure last week.  Will need to do it this week
Resting Heart Rate 77.05 - change of -1.8
Fasting Blood Sugar - haven't tracked this very well will start!

So, here's my retrospective notes for the week:

Keep Doing

  1. Hitting the Gym!  I know this is good for me and I'm super proud of myself for being consistent for four weeks already!  Week five looks to be more of the same - keep getting stronger!
Stop Doing:
  1.  don't stop for fast food on my way home.  I need to make sure that I've eaten enough and that there is enough food on my bag to make it through the entire day.  I'll save myself time/money and weight (and health) by not pulling through the drive through!
  2. don't drink.  This has been a hard one for me... but I think I need to do it BECAUSE it is hard.  I associate alcohol with fun even more than food! AND I'm going away for the weekend to hang out with a bunch of rowdy women and one of our favorite things to do (cause hey no one has to drive...) is drink.  I know the empty calories + metabolism slowdown + lowered inhibition (which makes it easier to say yes to off plan food) is bad for me, so I'm going to give it up for a week and see how much a difference it makes on the scale.  One of the things that hit me when I was thinking about this is that I can still make and serve drinks and enjoy the pleasure of doing things for the people around me - without drinking myself - so, that's my plan for this week.
Do More of:
  1. more cardio!  The change in my commute schedule is going to make this easier.  I can easily add cardio to the end of my daily workouts.  What I need to also add is a swim on Thursdays (when I work from home) and some cardio on the weekends.  I don't need to kill myself! Just get moving!
Do Less of:
  1. Carbs - I really need to get back to the low carb and/or Ketogenic lifestyle.  I know it works but I have to apply myself.  Perhaps in a few months when I've got my metabolism straightened out and my blood sugars under better control I can relax and get a little more free with the diet, but until then I know that carbs do not do good things for me.
And... that's probably enough introspection for a monday! :)

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