Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Oh yeah, goals for today:

Eat my meals as planned - all are packed and ready to go so there should be no big issues there. I also want to enter it into fitday... time to see where things need to be tightened.

Based on my new schedule it's legs tonight. I wanted to try out legs at the gym but I didn't pack my workout clothes, so unless I stop a the store and buy myself new digs... I'll be working out in the backyard. Nothing wrong with that though! Legs, and abs planned.

I will drink my 60 oz of pepsi and no more. And I will drink 96 oz of water - at least one 24 oz bottle of water for every 20oz bottle of soda.

I will journal (check) and check in on bodyforlife-trackers (check). I will also pick a new ab routine to try and read through everyone's blog that's on my list.

I will take my vitamins and be to bed at 11:00 PM

I also need to start planning my weekend. My honey is taking me away for the weekend and I plan to once again not lose focus on my goals during that time.

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