Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I bought a book yesterday. Of course that's nothing new for me. I love to read and study, and if weight could be lost by knowledge alone, I would have been at my goal YEARS ago. Still, I find each book I read has at least one point that worth it. This one brings up the idea of UFO's Unidentified Fitness Obstacles. Things that could be keeping you from getting and staying in shape. I took the test and found the results really interesting. Some, I read through and discarded. But there were others that really made me THINK about my actions. One was "Perfectionism" I am terrible for that. When I go on a plan it's ALL OUT, and when I fall off.. I'm ALL the way off. I've got to learn to take small steps and strive for progress. Another item was what they called "Askaphobia" or the Fear of asking for help. I'm rather bad about this, and even when I join support groups, I tend to fall into the habit of being the person offering help instead of asking. I even find that I resent help when it's offered because of my "I'll do it' myself" attitude. I'm working hard on breaking that habit. I know I need diet buddys. People who will support and hold me accountable. The last issue that really caught my eye was "Quickfixia Nervosa" , or Erratic Diet History. This is me in a nutshell. I've barely started one program when I'll read about something else to do or try, and skip on to it. I want so badly for this all to happen quickly and easily. I HAVE to convince myself that I'm in it for the LONG HAUL.

On a less mental note... I did great food wise yesterday, and stayed under 1400 calories. It's almost getting scary how easy it is. Today after two meals I'm feeling really bloated. I think I need to go for a smaller breakfast, and make sure I don't eat until I begin to feel hunger to avoid this in the future. I did a lower body workout yesterday and felt GREAT about it. I have read some 'tips' in my new book about what it means to work a muscle to failure, and I'm going to put them to use on my next workout. I feel as if I could and SHOULD be doing more. I desided not to do pilates yesterday because I really worked my abs during my workout, and I knew I wouldn't be able to be in control for pilates. I think I'll skip pilates on Lower Body Workout days, or only do breathing excercises those days to avoid overtraining or hurting myself.

Engery wise, I'm feeling GREAT. I know that TTOTM (sorry any men out there) is coming soon and I'll be battling fatigue, cravings and weight gain, but I know if I can make it through the first month of that.. I'll be able to battle in on successive months. Funny that PMS is one of the top UFO's for women...

Today I'm going to do some Tae Bo when I get home - and some pilates in the evening. OH and I have no more pepsi at home and I don't plan to buy any more, SO I'm only drinking water at home. That's made it much easier to get my water in. I'm still drinking soda at work, but I'm bringing a 33 oz bottle of water to work and I'm making myself finish it before I'll allow myself a soda. I'm working on breaking this addiction!

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