Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I ran last night! and it felt so good!! It was like meeting up with and old friend. I really felt like I had worked out at the end of 20 minutes. The time just flew by. My foot hurt a little, but I stretched REALLY good, and took something to keep the inflamation down, and this morning woke up feeling fine! I did good food wise yesterday, though I think I might have to up my calories a bit. They are getting scarily low. I know I need to find more ways to get in my protien. I drank my water about 90 oz or so and I've serisouly limited my cafiene intake. I know it's good for me. I'm still waiting to feel it though. My pilates last night was HARD! The hardest it's ever been. I can feel all the work I've been doing on my abs and they are protesting. I was way out of form last night but finished my practice as best I could. Hopefully it will be better tonight.

I did my upper body workout this morning as I have rehersal tonight. It was HARD. The second week of workout out usually is. But I was so tired! Again, I think upping my protien intake might help that some. But I have to realize that this is all new stuff for my body,and it's going to take some time for it to get used to all this excercise. As usual I'm impatient, but I'm reading a book on mastery that talks a lot about enjoying the journey and not just the destination. I'm working on that.

I was thinking today while I was working out - "Why am I doing this?" I know I want to loose weight. That's a given, but what else do I want out of it, so I started making a list. I want a sexy back, strong firm arms, a flat tummy, a butt that ends were it's supposted to and not high on my back, I want to run a 5K. I want to finally feel like I succeeded.

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