Monday, January 3, 2011

I forgot to mention...

Last week the focus was on cleaning up the diet.  I did that, and I'm quite happy with the results.

This week, I want to continue to eat clean, but I want to focus on my 'liquid intake'.  I'm very addicted to diet Pepsi.

19/365  mmmm... Pepsi

I, like many others, don't think the artificial sweeteners are good for me.  But, it's been very very hard for me to get rid of this addiction.  There's the 1-2 punch of the sweetness of the artificial sweeteners, and the lovely dose of caffeine.  So this week, I'm switching to tea as much as posible, and I'm going to be drinking at least one of these a day.

At my office, every day is hump day

I know 'drink less diet pepsi' isn't a good goal as far as 'SMART' goals go.  But I thought I would try a little positive goal setting (Drink 1 cup of black tea - drink one bottle of water) with the hope that it will have the effect of lowering my soda intake.

Here's to floating away! :D

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