Monday, January 3, 2011

Well, the weekend went great.  Other then the 'binge' on New Year's eve, I was 100% on plan.  I got lots of sleep, and enjoyed my days off - recovering.

Today, I was up early and back at the gym!  I did my shoulder and tri workout and tried pushing myself just a little harder.  It worked in some place, not in others.

Dumbbell Front Raises:  6 x 20 x 3*
Seated Dumbbell Press:  6 x 40 x 3
Side Lateral Raise:  6 x 25 x 2
Triceps Pushdown:  6 x 70 x 2*
Lying Triceps Extensions:  6 x 55 x 2*
Overhead Tri Extensions:  5 x 60

*Increase in weight

Then I grabbed an exercise mat and started my '100 pushups' program.  Given that I can only really do about 5 pushups right now - doing 100 by the end of the year seems a long shot, but I'm willing to do the work.

Once I had done week 1 day 1 of that program, I headed over to the treadmill to do my podrunner intervals program.  Once I got into it, I remembered why this program bothered me in the past.  This is week three and we went from a running interval of 90 seconds, to a running interval of 3 minutes!  For a slow struggling runner like me, it was a big leap.  But, I'm happy to report that I did the whole thing, and at the 1.5% incline that I've been using.  5 MPR on the runs 3.5 MPR on the rests.

5-minute warmup @ 130 BPM
90 seconds @ 140 BPM
90 seconds @ 130 BPM
3 minutes @ 140 BPM
3 minutes @ 130 BPM
90 seconds @ 140 BPM
90 seconds @ 130 BPM
3 minutes @ 140 BPM
4-min. 10-sec. cooldown @ 130 BPM

Once I was done with that, I hit the showers and had my post-workout snack, an orange and a hard boiled egg.  It was EXCELLENT! :D

And, if you'll allow me a TMI moment...

After months of not having one, one week on the paleo diet and I get my period.  *sigh*.  For someone like me, who doesn't want to BE fertile,  I have to say, so far, it's the only negative.  heh

I hope everyone is enjoying the new year!  Out for now...

PS:  The gym wasn't as crowded as I was afraid it was going to be! Let's see what the next few days bring...

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